The Championships

The next Scottish Schools Pipe Band Championships will be held on Sunday 14th March 2021.


1st 2nd 3rd
Juvenile £500 £300 £200
Novice Juvenile A £500 £300 £200
Novice Juvenile B £500 £300 £200
Junior A £500 £300 £200
Junior B £500 £300 £200
Debut £500 £300 £200
Quartets  £250  £150  £100
Freestyle  £1000  £750  £500
Endeavour Award £500


Half of Freestyle prize money will be awarded to the associated pipe band for its exclusive use, and half will be awarded to the school music department. In cases where performers belong to combined schools within a local authority area, all the prize money will be awarded to the associated combined schools pipe band.

Endeavour Award

Winners of the Endeavour Award will demonstrate the positive ethos and attributes that pipe bands encourage, apart from excellence in performance. Awards will be made to pipe bands, not individuals. In selecting the winners of the Endeavour Award, judges will consider evidence of one or more of the following:

Community Contribution

For example, performances at community events, pupils’ participation in community bands and ensembles, participation in community achievement awards, voluntary activities.

Inclusion and Diversity

For example, positive efforts to unite young people from diverse backgrounds, ethnicities and religions; inclusion of pupils with differing abilities including those with special needs, and removal of barriers such as financial hardship or transport issues.

Enthusiasm and Camaraderie 

For example, evidence of enjoyment (on the day of the event) and transmitting that enjoyment to others; or evidence of individual band members’ support and friendship for one another.


For example, new ways of doing things whether it be in terms of playing the pipes and drums (e.g. in association with other instruments, storytelling, poetry, acting, dancing), raising funds, teaching and learning.

Perseverance and resilience

For example, activities that enable a band to flourish despite adverse circumstances such as illness or absence of instructors, or limited funding sources; or evidence of individual band members who persevere despite challenging circumstances.


There is no entry fee on the day, however as the event is organised by a charity, we welcome donations.

Dress code

Members of bands should wear whatever outfit their school stipulates for The Championships. Please note: players who have metal pieces on the underside of their shoes (sole and heel) must use ‘jaffa tape’ to cover the metalwork. Jaffa tape will be available from Reception.


Arrival and Departure

Each band should register their attendance on arrival at reception.

In addition, each band should signal its departure to reception on leaving the Championships.



A competition steward will identify themselves with each band’s pipe major/instructor/adult supervisor at reception.

The steward will –

  • accompany the band to their allocated classroom and at the same time explaining fire drills and any other important domestic matters.
  • show band members, or a band representative, the facilities which will be available during the day.
  • explain the programme for the day, playing time/s and location of the competition halls.
  • be on hand to accompany the band(s) to its competition hall in good time for each performance.
  • supervise final departure at the end of the day.



Sadly, in previous years, there have been incidents of purposeful damage and graffiti by visiting pupils.  This jeopardises The Championships, and does not reflect the ethos of the event.

From 2018 each participating band making use of a classroom must nominate a responsible adult who will ensure that there is a supervising adult (parent or teacher) present in the classroom at all times.

Before vacation of the classroom, the responsible adult must inform Reception and wait for a member of the organising committee to come to the classroom, inspect it, and authorise the band to depart.

Classrooms should be kept neat and tidy at all times without disturbing school furniture or equipment.

No smoking, soft drinks, food or alcoholic beverages will be allowed in the classrooms.

Stewards will provide rubbish bags in order to assist bands to clear their classrooms prior to departure.

Please note that the visiting band/ school will be held liable for the cost of any damage to the classrooms or any other area of the school for the duration of the competition.

Take a look at our videos (view all)